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An update from Evaneos

The most important vocabulary to know during your trip in Indonesia

It is never easy to learn a new language. Most of the Indonesians you will encounter will speak a little English, but the local population will be much more open if you make an effort and learn the basics of Indonesian. Fortunately, it's quite an easy language to learn!

A short presentation of the Indonesian language

Bahasa Indonesia is the official language of Indonesia. It is a form of the Malay language, which is also spoken in the Republic of East Timor. However, it is not the mother tongue of most Indonesians, who only start to learn it at school at the age of five. Most Indonesians are bilingual or even trilingual. In fact, 700 languages are spoken in Indonesia and it is the second largest reservoir of languages in the world. Using the Latin alphabet, most of the syllables are pronounced as in English and the vocabulary is fairly simple, which makes learning much easier than for other Asian languages.

Balinese dance and theatre

Why learn the Indonesian language?

When travelling, it is always a good idea to learn a few of the basics of the language out of politeness and respect, but also to be able to get by in different situations and to be able to communicate with the locals. By speaking Indonesian during a trip to the country you will be considered less of a tourist, be able to negotiate prices better and get more out of your trip. The Indonesian language is a relatively simple. Take a small dictionary or download an application on your phone and learn a few words every during your stay in Indonesia. You will soon see that you enjoy learning and your travel experience will be improved! There are many other languages in the country, but everybody understands Bahasa Indonesia and you'll be able to easily make yourself understood on all the islands, even if they make fun of you if you speak with the accent of another island!

Basic expressions / Common Words

UsaBahasa Indonesia
Good morning / Good eveningSelamat pagi / Selamat malam
How are you?Apa kabar?
Fine, thank you, and you?Sangat baik, terima kasih dan Anda?
I understand / I don't understandSaya tidak mengerti
GoodbyeSelamat tinggal
WelcomeSelamat datang
Thank you (very much)Terima kasih (banyak)
Excuse mePermisi
My name is...Nama saya...
No thank youTidak terima kasih
Yes / NoYa/Tidak
You're welcomeSama-sama


UsaBahasa Indonesia
How much is it?Berapa harganya?
It is very cheapSangat murah
It is too expensive!Mahal!
Can you lower the price?Dapat mengurangi harga?
I would like to buy ... this one!Saya ingin membelinya
I like it / I don't like itSaya suka / Aku benci
I'm just looking around.Aku yang terlihat


UsaBahasa Indonesia
I would like to go to ...Saya ingin pergi...
PlanePesawat terbang
TrainKereta api
I would like to rent ...Saya ingin untuk menyewa...
MotorbikeSepeda motor


UsaBahasa Indonesia
Where is ...? / How can I get to ...?Dimana...? / Bagaimana untuk pergi ke...?
Train stationStasiun
CentrePusat kota
HospitalRumah sakit
Is it close / far?Apakah ini dekat/sejauh ini?
Straight aheadTejus sara
Left / RightBelok kiri / kanan
North / South / East / WestUtara/ Selatan / Adalah / Barat

Numberssieben, acht, neun, zehn

UsaBahasa Indonesia
one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, tennol, satu, dua, tiga, empat, lima, enam, tujuh, delapan, sembilan, sepuluh
twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixtydua puluh, tiga puluh, empat puluh, lima puluh, enam puluh
seventy, eighty, ninetytujuh puluh, delapan puluh, sembilan puluh
One hundredseratus

Hours/Dates and daysDienstag, Mittwoch, Donnerstag, Freitag, Samstag, Sonntag

UsaBahasa Indonesia
What time is it?Jam berapa?
Today (morning/midday/evening)Hari Ini (pagi/siang/malam)
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sundaysenin, selasa, rabu, kamis, jum’at, sabtu, minggu
I am here on vacationSaya di sini berlibur / di perjalanan
I am here for businessSaya di sini untuk bekerja / bisnis

Time to eat!

UsaBahasa Indonesia
I am hungry / I am thirstySaya lapar / Aku haus
EnjoySelamat makan
Cheers!(Il n'y a pas cette tradition)
It was deliciousItu lezat
What can you recommend?Apa yang Anda saya rekomendasikan?
I am vegeterianSaya vegetarian
Not spicy please (I don't like spices)Tanpa rempah-rempah
It's too hotHal ini terlatu panas
I am allergicSaya alergi
Sea foodMakanan Laut
I would like...Saya akan
Tee / CoffeeTeh/kopi
Beer / WineBir/anggur
The bill, pleaseMinta bon!

Health / Emergency / Security

UsaBahasa Indonesia
I need to see a doctor.Saya perlu untuk melihat seorang dokter
Call an ambulance / Call 911Call dokter/ ambulans
Where is the hospital?Di mana adalah rumah sakit?
I do not feel very goodSaya tidak merasa sangat baik
It hurts hereAku salah di sini
Where can I find the restrooms?Di mana WC?
I'm lostSaya teresat


UsaBahasa Indonesia
Have a nice day !Selamat siang!
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